31. Aquaculture sites and fishing ponds must be operated in such manner that the premises may be maintained in the clean and safe state required to ensure the aquatic organisms remain healthy and innocuous and to prevent any hazard to the health or safety of the public, the environment and wildlife, and must conform to the following requirements:(1) the equipment and facilities of an aquaculture site and a fishing pond in contact with the aquatic organisms must be emptied of fish and cleaned before the arrival of a new batch of fish and be disinfected if there is a risk of contamination;
(2) the equipment and facilities must be kept in good working order;
(3) separate rooms, compartments or containers, closed and protected against any contamination, must be used to store(a) food not currently being used;
(b) non-prescription products used to treat the aquatic organisms, water processing products and cleaning products;
(c) medications and other prescription products; and
(d) fuels;
(4) the aquatic organisms must be handled in such a way as to prevent any contamination;
(5) the aquaculture site or the fishing pond must be operated in such a way as to ensure the fish and amphibians remain confined and to prevent their release into the natural environment;
(6) the solid residual materials from the operation of a land-based aquaculture site and a fishing pond must be removed from the cultivation or raising units or the fishing pond,(a) before the production of a new batch in the case of a land-based aquaculture site; and
(b) at least once a year in the case of a fishing pond;
(7) in the case of a land-based aquaculture site, the foot baths installed must be maintained and the disinfectant they contain must be kept efficient;
(8) in the case of a land-based aquaculture site whose cultivation or raising units are outdoors and in the case of a fishing pond, the perimeter of the units or basin must be kept clean and free of any debris or rubbish; and
(9) in the case of a land-based aquaculture site whose cultivation or raising units are indoors, the inside of the building must be kept clean and free from any debris or rubbish.